You MAY!

It’s just about May - it’s been a very busy winter-into-spring, but in some ways, I can’t believe the time. Seems like just yesterday we were eating pizza and planning 2024 for “the business of Birdsong,” what has to happen behind all of the meaning and craft and music to keep things on track and rolling. I’ve never been completely rooted in the business side of what I do; it’s necessary and I’m extremely grateful, so it gets the attention and respect it deserves. But then it’s back to carving and writing and talking with you and with Luthier Jake… and that, my friends, is where the time flies!
(Speaking of which, here’s a pic from summer of 2004!)

So happy Chrysler Hemi day (426), for all you gearheads out there. How’ve you been? Good to see you here! Thanks for coming. What a few weeks! I mean we have to start by honoring Dickie Betts of the Allman Bros. Band. A key player on the soundtrack of my life, his long jammin' career has sent uncountable ripples into so many guitar players who came up listening to his special touch and blending of styles. We will carry and spread them until we too play our final notes. His album "Highway Call" (Richard Betts) is perpetual road music for me, and I'd trade a hundred songs I've written just to have come up with the first verse of "Ramblin' Man." Thank you for the music of life, Dickey.

And, I’m writing this on Thursday – which is the 2 year anniversary of the world losing Ben Vasquez, the second photo. A great young man I knew, shown here jamming on the sweat-soaked custom Birdsong bass he loved. To know him as a student, then as a kid taking off in his van to see where the road went, then as a friend and even a client... was a gift, and an honor. That call I had decided to make a couple of years ago to see if he wanted to finally make some music together was literally the day I then logged on and saw he had passed. In a life full of little victories, this will always remain a loss. To the circle of Ben Vasquez, including the circle of his friend and longtime bandmate guitarist Merlin Luck who passed two years prior on the same date, may peace be with you all.

These are significant to YOU – because it’s important to not waste time. Both of these cats (and most of those now gone onward into the great beyond) would tell you that, even though one got the long life the other did not. Whatever needs doing, get after it. Whatever needs changing, BEGIN. Whoever your loss, do some random act of beauty or goodness and hand it up as being their ripple. In this their good will continue through us. You are not alone in loss, it’s a part of still going. We keep on, and others don’t. In this case a mentor I never met, and one I mentored. It’s a strange but beautiful life and I will carry on grateful for both.

It's springtime and there have been some gorgeous days. I’m working hard on some things I’ll fill you in on another time; but in the workshop the first new batch of 5-strings in a while is well under way, among so much else! Seriously, I know Facebook is not the best thing to ever happen to mankind, but Birdsong (and the Scott Beckwith page, AND – our heroGoede Guitars) are well worth friending/following. All inspiring instrument making, all the time. I toss in some posts about my travels and stuff, but it’s all fun. Speaking of which, just a reminder that the little Birdsong workshop is right where it should be – down a Texas dirt road off a two lane miles back into the “Hill Country” – and MAKING BASSES. All the time. I am in and out these days, here and there, but the shop is rocking. I manage things, my phone stays on, and you can call me anytime with questions or to order your own custom build from our benches, crafted entirely by hand, by Birdsong’s Head Luthier Jake Goede. We are truly rolling into the chapter of the best Birdsongs ever. I am so excited and feel SO good about what we continue to offer, what we’re offering NOW, and how it stacks up against anything even close to our 2-3K range. These are giant-killers. I’ve linked to some great videos on the models page.

OK, that’s it for now – back in a couple with another! Meanwhile be WELL, help make something good HAPPEN, and be kind to yourself and others. You have love and gratitude from us!